Classical Taoist Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Healing Begins Within
Classical Taoist Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine invites you to return to your Heart, to your infinite power and potential. Healing is available to you at all times—it begins the moment you decide to look within, to transform your pain and suffering, and to intend to see and experience your life differently.
With classical acupuncture, stone medicine, essential oils, lifestyle and mindset changes and spiritual cultivation, you will begin a journey of self-discovery and healing that opens you to beautiful new possibilities in your life. You will return to your center, to the essence of who you truly are. You will begin to remember and fulfill your spiritual curriculum, all that you came here to do in this lifetime.
We all have a spiritual strength, a steady source of support that is always with us, ready to awaken in any moment. Everything can be healed. Everything can be transcended.
Classical Taoist Chinese Medicine Consultation
This hour-long session offers a combination of healing conversation, stone medicine, essential oil therapy, Chinese medical dietary therapy, Taoist spiritual cultivation techniques and intuitive guidance to address your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Please schedule your session at the link below. This session is offered remotely as an audio or video session held over Zoom.
My next in-person Acupuncture Treatments will be offered in New York in the Spring of 2022.
calligraphy given to me by Jeffrey Yuen
chinese character for Faith
Classical Chinese Medicine (“CCM”), distinct from the more commonly practiced “TCM” (Traditional Chinese Medicine), is a sophisticated and comprehensive medical system infused with a rich history and the wisdom of thousands of years.
CCM is rooted in the classical medical texts the Nei Jing and the Nan Jing which date back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220CE). It also draws its theories of disease progression and treatment from prominent scholars and medical practitioners of the Tang (618-906AD), Song (960-1279AD) and Yuan (1279-1368AD) Dynasties.
CCM contains a wealth of information, supported by thousands of years of empirical findings that make it an extremely potent and life-changing form of medicine.
While “TCM” was abridged into a series of general patterns using mainly one channel system, the 12 Primary Channels, to treat disease (this occurred during the mid-20th century cultural revolution of China), the knowledge base of Classical Acupuncture remains intact—with the use of 6 different Channel Systems and a total of over 60 channels.
A sophisticated and dynamic pulse analysis unique to Classical acupuncturists, and a deep understanding of the application of the 6 different Channel systems, enables a Classical acupuncturist to diagnose and treat the complexities of a wide range of conditions. Treatments are tailored to the individual with consideration of all aspects of the patient— physical, emotional, constitutional, and spiritual. Special attention is also paid to the patient’s diet and other lifestyle factors.
Classical Chinese Medicine is a dynamic and interactive form of medicine, in which the patient is invited to be an active participant in his or her own healing process. This facilitates profound shifts in all aspects of health.
The 12 Sinew Channels
Treat acute and semi-acute musculoskeletal disorders (strains and sprains), seasonal allergies, burns, skin conditions (including rashes and insect bites), and scars.
Examples of conditions treated: plantar fasciitis, sprained ankle.
The 16 Luo Channels
Treat the psychological impact of trauma (physical, emotional, sexual), acute or persistent emotional states ranging from anger, grief, and worry to rage, obsession, and mania, gastrointestinal issues, cysts, circulatory disorders, and self-destructive behaviors (anorexia, bulimia, addiction, self-injury cutting).
Examples of conditions treated: mild depression to multiple personality disorder, Raynaud’s Syndrome, PTSD, insomnia.
The 12 Primary Channels
Treat a wide range of conditions affecting the function and physiology of the internal organs – includes the treatment of respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, gynecological, and endocrine disorders.
Examples of conditions treated: common cold, asthma, acid reflux, menstrual disorders, fatigue. These channels can also be used to help reposition a breeched baby, and to induce labor.
The 12 Divergent Channels
Treat chronic degenerative disease, disorders of the ligaments/skeleton, autoimmune disease, ENT (ears, nose, throat) disorders, suppressed emotions manifesting as chronic musculoskeletal pain, longstanding emotional disorders manifesting as mental illness, and repressed memories.
Examples of conditions treated: fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, renal hypertension, diabetes, chronic allergies, multiple sclerosis.
The 8 Extraordinary Channels
Also called the Ancestral vessels, they treat inherited or congenital conditions (including inherited family patterns of behavior, mindset, and emotions), developmental issues, unresolved illness or trauma rooted in childhood, and reproductive disorders.
Examples of conditions treated: childhood sexual abuse, infertility, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.