Taoist Rituals of Scent
Formulas created from ancient Taoist teachings to inspire
healing and expand spiritual cultivation
Like a mindfulness bell, scent brings our awareness to the present moment.
It opens our sensory orifices expanding our perception, revealing new possibilities, inviting us to change. Scent has been used for thousands of years in Taoist medicine and rituals to invoke the divine. It brings us to our breath, to who we truly are.
Inspired by over a decade of integrating the healing principles of Classical Taoist medicine into my life and professional practice, I have created these formulas to share this life-changing alchemy with you.
Thoughtfully crafted using organically grown or ethically wildcrafted ingredients, I hand mix my formulas in small batches with great care to harness the transformative qualities of plants as allies and teachers. Each drop, enlivened with blessings and magic, holds powerful healing properties to nourish our emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.
In its essence, Taoist medicine invites us to return to our Hearts. Through daily ritual, we cultivate and deepen this connection.
As you work with Taoist Rituals of Scent, I invite you to pause.
Set an intention.
Say a prayer.
Offer gratitude and love for your life.
May this simple ritual inspire healing.
May it remind you of your divinity.
May it awaken you to the beauty of the present moment.
With love,
My Intention
My beloved teacher, 88th generation Taoist priest Jeffrey Yuen, encourages his students to make the medicine their own, for it to be a unique expression of their Qi and Spirit. This is what I have done with Taoist Rituals of Scent. I am infinitely grateful for Jeffrey’s teachings, support and guidance. I am blessed to hold a place in the 89th generation of this beautiful and ancient lineage. May I share these formulas far and wide. May they spark great healing and awakening.
What is Taoist Medicine?
Taoist Medicine, taught by 88th Generation Taoist priest Jeffrey Yuen, is rooted in Taoism, the ancient Chinese philosophy and spiritual tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao: the Universe, the source of all that exists. The Tao is the energy stream or life force that animates and connects all things. The macrocosm (cosmos) is reflected in the microcosm (humanity).
Taoist Medicine encourages us to take responsibility for our own health. Healing comes from within. When we awaken the Heart and activate the Spirit or Shen, everything is possible.
What is Spiritual Cultivation?
Spiritual cultivation is the practice of connecting with the Divine through daily ritual. We view our bodies as temples and are conscious of what enters them: foods, fragrances, thoughts, intentions, relationships. . . We create balance and harmony within ourselves that extends outward to the world around us. We experience vitality and awe and joy as conscious participants in the beautiful orchestration of the cosmos. We realize that we are the Divine.
“These blends are enlivened. They are alive. They are vibrating with intention. They are literally unlike anything out there.”
“Taoist Rituals of Scent blends have a very high vibration. It’s an activation deeper than surface skin care.”
“I immediately resonated with these blends…they are so powerful! I’ve had immediate results like nothing I’ve experienced before, and I’ve been using essential oil blends for over five years.”