Feeding Your Demons®
Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict
Feeding Your Demons® is a five-step visualization process for resolving inner conflict; our “demons.”This process is based on the spiritual practice called Chöd (literally to “cut through”) of Machig Labdrön, an 11th century Tibetan yogini and the founder of my Tibetan Buddhist lineage.
A demon is anything that is draining our energy and preventing us from experiencing inner peace and freedom.
A demon could be an acute or recurrent emotional state, such as grief, anger, or fear; or an old issue that keeps resurfacing, such as persistent perfectionism, feelings of unworthiness, addiction, compulsive behavior, pain, trauma, or illness; or a limiting mindset or belief. It could be a feeling about or a reaction to another person, a conflict, or emotional pain around the ending of a relationship or the death of a loved one.
Machig Labdrön
Up to ninety-five percent of our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors come from the subconscious mind; this is our subconscious programming. You may not even be aware of this underlying force that drives your experiences because it lies beneath the level of conscious awareness. This is why you may experience issues that you can’t seem to shift and free yourself from despite your effort, resulting in repetitive cycles of challenging emotional states, behaviors and experiences. It may feel like an endless loop that you can’t get out of.
Many of us suppress difficult emotions and painful experiences, and even positive aspects of ourselves based on negative responses to them. Carl Jung called these hidden or denied parts of ourselves the shadow. Metaphorically, these are the scary corners of the room that we are afraid to look at. We may not even be aware of their existence because we have buried them so deeply and for so long. We hold this suppressed energy in our bodies and minds—it colors our perception and therefore, how we experience our lives and the world around us.
Through a Feeding Your Demons session, even your deepest wounds and most stubborn patterns can heal and transform.
By bringing awareness to the shadow, it loses power. The way through is to name it. Feeding Your Demons helps to release subconscious programming, empowering us to become conscious participants in our lives.
What we fight against only grows stronger. By acknowledging rather than resisting the suppressed and denied parts of ourselves—our shadow—and identifying and nurturing their underlying need, we liberate the energy trapped in the struggle and transform it into a life-enhancing protective force.
For example, your demon may be perfectionism. The demon may want everything to be perfect, but what it really needs is to feel accepted and loved. By nurturing the demon with the feelings of acceptance and love, it receives what it truly needs, thereby releasing its never-ending and unrealistic attempts at being perfect.
During our session, I will help you to identify your current demon, and gently guide you through the process to reveal its deeper roots and underlying needs in a safe and supportive space.
Feeding Your Demons is true internal alchemy, facilitating enormous breakthroughs and lasting transformational change. This session is offered remotely as an audio session held over Zoom.
When we integrate the shadow, we return to wholeness. We experience new levels of inner peace and freedom.
“Feeding Your Demons is powerful and fast—it’s alchemy in motion!”
“I was able to precisely identify uncomfortable emotions that were plaguing me and transform them into an energy that can only be described as pure bliss!”
“Every time I’m led through a Feeding Your Demons session with Holly, I feel like I am given this incredible blessing of meeting some unknown deeper part of myself that feels so misunderstood and is begging to be seen.”
“I have had a lot of experience working with my unconscious spaces and this experience was one of the deepest I’ve ever had. It was profound, illuminating, and impactful.”
“Holly’s gentle guidance and energy made me feel safe and held. The breadth of her awareness and skill in facilitating deep soul work is astounding. I highly recommend working with Holly if you're looking to gain insight into yourself that you wouldn't get any other way."